More than 100 assaults on prison officers in Irish jails last year

Prison officers were the victims of 110 direct assaults by inmates last year with staff at Mountjoy and Dublin’s Cloverhill jails most likely to be attacked.

There were another 123 cases where prison officers were hurt during a physical intervention, for example where they were trying to restrain a non-compliant inmate.

Injuries led to 220 staff making applications for leave because of an incident while on duty with around 6,000 working days lost as a result.

Prisoner on prisoner assaults were a daily occurrence with a total of 671 recorded last year with more than a quarter of those attacks taking place at a single jail, Cloverhill Prison.

The number of incidents where an inmate attacked another prisoner varied widely according to prison.

At Cloverhill, a remand centre in West Dublin, there were 185 assaults recorded, or the equivalent of one every second day.