A LOCAL authority spent almost €50,000 sending thirteen councillors and staff to California on a five-night “sister city” trip.
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A LOCAL authority spent almost €50,000 sending thirteen councillors and staff to California on a five-night “sister city” trip.
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MORE than €27,000 was spent sending five politicians and three officials on a week-long trip to China and Hong Kong.
The entire delegation flew business class at a cost of at least €2,712 each and stayed in a string of five-star hotels, most of which were generously paid for by their Chinese hosts.
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By Ken Foxe
TDs and Senators have run up an overseas travel bill of more than €120,000 during the past seven months.
Politicians jetted off to the four corners of the globe clocking up hundreds of thousands of air miles on trips to Iran, Russia, Canada, the United States, and Mozambique.
One senator Ronan Mullen made three expense claims totalling almost €1,800 on three separate one-night trips to France, according to the records, and despite the fact hotels and flights on the trip were paid directly by the Oireachtas.
Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl was away on separate trips to St Petersburg, Helsinki, and Washington DC. His counterpart in the Seanad, Cathaoirleach Denis O’Donovan, jetted off three times to Iran, Georgia, and the USA.
Just over €9,100 was spent on flights to bring five parliamentarians to Iran for a “bi-lateral” visit last October.
Read the expenses document below.